Saturday, October 27, 2007

No two people are not on fire...

So friends, I am now officially a resident of Texas. Well I don't know what it legally takes to be considered a resident but in my opinion if your car is registered in TX and you have a TX DL and live there, then that is what it takes. So today my TX DL came in the mail officially sealing the deal (well in my book). I like Texas because they have better photographers at the DMV/Dept of Public Saftey than California.

Um and if you are my friend in CA and we havn't talked recently, you should call me.

The End.

PS. I promise pictures of the new car will come soon. In the mean time just look at pictures of a 08 Mitsubishi Lancer and pretend your looking at my car :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A tour of my home (via pictures)

So my picture plan is moving to plan B, Facebook. Should be up soon.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

And now the moment we've all been waiting for...

okay so maybe it's not that dramatic. I am finally ready to take your all on a pictoral tour of my new residence here in Fort Worth, TX. However, appartently blogger is not, it is being very very picky about uploading my pictures so be patient as it may take some time to get all my pics uploaded. Also I will try and get some pics of my new car up as well. (While it is still new, before it also gets totalled, because seriously this metroplex is like the craziest driving I've ever done, it should be a sport like extreme driving, and I should get a prize for only totalling one car and getting no other tickets or accidents in my month of driving here.) I'll try to get pictures up soon but this is taking longer than I thought sorry.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

When in Texas, do as the Texans and ....Wait...What?

So here I am, I have been a Fort Worth resident for about a week and a half now. The day I went to my second interview for the job I am at, I walked out of my interview completely confident that this would be my job and that day I said to myself "I live in Fort Worth and I love it." Since then I have had to remind myself of that decision a couple times but for the most part life is good.

My job is cool, I am a Violence Prevention Facilitator, I basically work at local middle schools teaching things like Problem Solving, Empathy, Anger Management and Resisting peer pressure and gang pressure. So far so good, I'm not actually in classes for two more weeks, so things are kinda dragging at work, as I feel pretty preped, I already wrote my syllabus and everyone of my lesson plans for the entire semester. The only thing left is to buy a few more supplies for a couple activites but that's no big. I am really excited about starting schools. In my last job I was will kids so broken down and damaged that my goal was just to help them stabalize so they didn't lose placement, so prevention is something new, and something I can appreciate the importance of.

My apt is ummm...well they say if you lie enough you start to believe it. So with that said, my apartment couldn't be better. Okay I have never searched for an apartment before, a mistake was bound to happen. And after it all, I am so much more appreciative of my amazing former roommate who found us an amazing apartment last year. I also was extremely rushed by work. But the good news is I am only in a six month lease which means in march I am free to move about the city! And I have six months to find myself an awesome crib, with no pressure and with my new found apartment wisdom. So Silver Lining.

I really do like Fort Worth for the most part, although it is very different than I imagined, and I suppose that is my fault. Stereotypes are never something to be considered when building expectations regardless if they generally do come from some shred of the truth. I think I expected a big city but with the southern charm. I got the big city, now its not really that dirty or trashy, at least not compared to LA, but along with the big city I got big city people. Not the southern hospitatlity people, the same old rude, rushed, self concerned people I could find in CA. Oh well at least I'll fit in :) But there are the exceptions, so I guess I just have to work twice as hard to find them, I found them in CA and although I don't ever expect to find friends that top my CA ones, I might could (this is Texas saying which I loathe due to it's redundency, however I cannot help but laugh at also) find some that'll do, lol.

Ya'll come back now ya hear! (Texan for Peace Out Homies)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

When life hands you lemonades, make lemonades.

Yay! So it is official I am now empoyed, woot! I got a job at a counseling agency in Fort Worth and am going to go apartment hunting tomorrow. This is the official start of my Adult life outside riverside (because I want it to be the start of something but technically speaking my adult life started 1 year ago, so I have labeled that year Riverside adult life.) I'm really excited right now, I am going to training in a couple of days then I will let everyone know more about what I do.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

He's from Texas yo, they tried to annex themselves. They defintely be hatin' on the contintental United States

So I've been chillin' with Nikki the past couple days, nothing new, just the same old "I don't know what to do with my life" stress that it's been for the past 2 years. 2 YEARS! Seems like enough time to figure something out, unfortuntely this is apparently a problem I lack the power to solve. When I got to OK I really thought I would stay this time, and I still might. I am not going crazy at my parent's house (most of the time). I'm a little bored but nothin' major. However I have scouted out Northeast Texas and found no jobs (except the one I turned down) and the more I'm here in Norman (the OKC area) the more I wonder if I want to live in this area. Thus eliminating all the major metropolitan areas in the region of my family. So now I wonder if I will go back, it's really expensive and that trips me up, and I don't want to be moving all over the place because that looks bad on my Resume. But I am going to go check out some jobs here in Norman on Monday and at least see how that goes. I really could use some wisdom and guidance so if anyone wants to say a few prayers for me I would defintely be grateful. Thanks a bunch!

Friday, July 27, 2007


I don't know.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just chewin' on some bubble wrap.

So I had a couple of interviews for a marketing job in Arlington, Tx, this past week. They went really well, in fact I am almost positive I got the job, however at the end of my last interview I withdrew myself from consideration. Pretty risky move since I don't have any other inteviews lined up. But as all my friends know I'm lazy and this job wanted me to work 6 days a week! No way, plus no benefits. So I don't know what will happen next. I'm off to Norman tomorrow to check out the employment market up there and the grad programs at OU. Any prayers would be much appreciated.

Iyi Aksamlar.

Friday, July 20, 2007

College is Lame

So here I am, still in Oklahoma. Weird. Anyway I am seriously getting antsy about getting my life put together. I have another job interview Monday, in Arlington. Thats far. And it's for a job in Marketing/PR, I don't even know what that is, but their ad said "Will train" and so I applied. My mom doesn't trust jobs that post online, she thinks they are websites run by perverts to get girls to come to them. I told her that there are real jobs online, haha. I don't even know how to find a job besides online???? I also found a few Social Service places in and around Norman, they don't have websites so I am going to hopefully visit those soon, if I can muster up the courage to stay with my sister. On the upside I've been running at the local college and thats fun, on the down side I hate college, it's useless. College makes people take out thousands and thousands of dollars of loans in order to get a four year degree, and then in order to get a good job to pay back those loans one must get out more loans and get another degree. I think I'm going back to school, where and what are details I haven't figured out yet, but I need things, and I need money for those things, and so I need a job, it's too bad that a Bachelor's degree either under qualifies or over qualifies me for nearly every job in the universe, this of course first assuming that a state like OK acutally has jobs. But life's not really all that bad lately minus the whole job thing which really is eating at me. I've kept myself busy and saw my sister alot, who in case you don't already know, is extremely entertaining, and mildly irritating, haha, but mostly entertaining. Alright, I suppose I will go to bed, after all I have a long day of nothing ahead of me :) I just need to think of this as vacation, I told myself this before but it's slightly harder in the moment, knowing I have bills and can't pay them. Except my loans they are wonderfully taken care of for the year, YAY!

Peace Out!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

the true story about the state of Totally Erroneous eXits And Signs

I took a little road trip today and some events transpired that have, shall we say, enlightened me. So as a friend I wanted to share my newfound knowledge of a very special place. Without further adeiu, the True Story of Texas:

Once upon a time, long long ago like in the 1800's a history buff named Stephan Austin moved to a place called Mexico. Stephan was an American and had like most American's become hungry for power. American's often prided themselves (much like today) on their ignorance, but not Stevie, he was different. Stevie thought back to some of his hero's such as Ghengis Khan, Napolean (not Dynamite, or the ice cream, but the french dude in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure), Christopher Columbus, and George Washington. Great leaders all skilled in the fine art of taking what is not yours and making it yours, power. He knew he too had the propensity to be a powerful man and began hatching a plan.

Stevie gathered 300 families and decided to move in. He contemplated taking over America but since it would take to long to gather an Army he thought up a better more devious plan, this one was sure to land him in the history books. First he decided to make friends with Mexico, America's arch enemy since it had more land that America wanted. After making friends with Mexico he took his 300 and moved to Mexico, continuing in his friendship, and moving in even more families. Once he had enough men gathered (to fight Mexico mind you, not America) he turned on Mexico and stole their land and together with Sam Houston, formed the Republic of Texas, were their motto was "Friendship."

After Texas had proved their strength American shortly after decided to use them as an assest, a way into Mexican land. Texas used this as a way of gaining America's trust, luring in more and more Americans. When America finally offered Texas statehood, they agreed under an opt-out clause. America thought about this but later said "Yeah but your Texas and were friends so you won't opt, it's just a formality right?" and Texas said "Friendship, thats our motto." To this day the state motto of Texas is "Friendship."

Throughout generations Texan families have been passing down the strategy. Today Texas is in the advance stages of their hostile take over, with a Texan running the country, and several others for that matter. They have also amassed the second largest land-area in the country, the second largest population in the country and the second largest economy in the country. In addition Texas has infiltrated many other things such as a DIY Store in London, a Scottish Rock Band, Counties in Oklahoma, Ohio and Missouri, as well as a Town in Australia, this all in addition to controlling all the calculators in America (Texas Instruments).

In order to protect our country I want to key you in on their primary strategy: Keep American's ignorant. I realized this today when I learned the true meaning of Texas. Yes Texas is actually an acronym for Totally Erroneous eXits And Signs. Really trying going anywhere in Texas. It is seriously harder to stay on the freeway than to get off becuase their freeways keep turning into city streets and you have to turn and stuff to follow it, which sucks but wouldn't be as big a deal if their were signs in Texas. I guess that is actually a little unfair, their are technically signs they just don't have words on them. Mostly just arrows, the only problem is I don't know what that arrow is pointing to, is it saying to turn or to merge and I still don't know if I am still following the freeway and or Highway because their are not numbers or letters on the signs. Also their streets change, like on my way to Fort Worth today I saw lots of things but on my way back those things had disappeared and there were new things I did not see before, which confused me and made me think I was going the wrong way, but then I realized what was really going on. Texas had tore down all the old structures and built new ones while I was enjoying a delicious lunch at the single most hard to get to restaraunt in the world, just to confuse me, now that's dedication. But then and there I said to myself "Trust you, not Texas." and that is what I say to you today: Trust you not Texas.

Thanks for reading my true story.

P.S. Best sign in Texas today: "Center Stripe ends in 11 feet." followed by "No center stripe." followed by "Uneven lanes." To which I said "How can you tell if the lanes are uneven since their are no stripes?!?" Don't worry Texas' had got nothing on me. I'm on to your tactics Texas.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

People Should Need a Passport to Come Down Here

Alright I'm not gonna lie. Despite my last post these past couple days have been somewhat less than Ok. Man things have been tough lately. For starters yesterday we (myself and my mom and dad) all thought that my car had kicked the bucket, it would not start for nothing and my Dad even looked at it and could not figure anything out. But oddly enough it did start today. I'm really glad it started today, but nonetheless I gotta figure out what's going on with my car soon. Also in other bad news my computer is having beaucoup problems. For three days now at random points in time, random parts of my computer just cease to work, such as my keyboard or my moniter, however I apparently do not have a virus.

I don't know how but, I have at somepoint lost all control I had (however little it was) of any part of my life. I am living in a house that is not my home, because I have no home. My social life consists of playing with my dogs, telling my mom what I am doing every second of everyday, and telling my dad to please not smoke in my face because it makes me sick, i.e. I have no friends. I sit around in my pajamas all day getting fat(ter) because I have no job. I could go on but I'm assumming everyone gets my point. Things are dull right now but hopefully they will perk up soon.

In the good news, I do have a job interview on Monday in Fort Worth, TX. I don't really think I am qualified for the position, but they apparently thought I was qualified enough for an interview, so hopefully I can prolong their thoughts and secure myself a job. Apartments are cheap in Ft. Worth too, less to live by myself in a one bedroom than it was to share and apt in CA.

I think I'm done with my literary pity party for now.

Now for two fun facts about OK:
*OK has a monsoon season, and is currently in monsoon season.
*OK has at least as many bugs as a rainforest and it is recommended that you sleep within a bug net.

Yes each and everyday OK becomes less of a state and more of a foreign country, and that is the bright side.

Ciao Mon Aime

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Oklahoma is OK

Yes it's true, I have revived my old blogspot acct. I don't know how long it will last this time, but probably longer, I think. Since I live world's away from everyone now, I thought I would take a quick second and let you guys know what's been up. First of all, I never ever recommend driving for two days by yourself, it is pure torture in the worst way. I have been in OK for nearly a week and have not set foot back in my car yet. Yes I do hate being at home everyday, but the thought of getting back in my car is enough to give me a heartattack, I think I am forever scarred. On the bright side however I am dealing with OK much better than my first go round, perhaps it is my outlook, I have decided that rather than move to OK, I am on vacation....indefintely. Who knows I might have some friends moving out here soon anyway, hopefully. Now for a quick pro's and cons of OK then off to bed, but I promise I will write more soon.

Pros: Air Conditioning, Not as Hot, My Family, It's free (for now)

Cons: No Pool, Bugs, No Friends, Humidity, People talk funny

Good Night Friends!