Saturday, July 28, 2007

He's from Texas yo, they tried to annex themselves. They defintely be hatin' on the contintental United States

So I've been chillin' with Nikki the past couple days, nothing new, just the same old "I don't know what to do with my life" stress that it's been for the past 2 years. 2 YEARS! Seems like enough time to figure something out, unfortuntely this is apparently a problem I lack the power to solve. When I got to OK I really thought I would stay this time, and I still might. I am not going crazy at my parent's house (most of the time). I'm a little bored but nothin' major. However I have scouted out Northeast Texas and found no jobs (except the one I turned down) and the more I'm here in Norman (the OKC area) the more I wonder if I want to live in this area. Thus eliminating all the major metropolitan areas in the region of my family. So now I wonder if I will go back, it's really expensive and that trips me up, and I don't want to be moving all over the place because that looks bad on my Resume. But I am going to go check out some jobs here in Norman on Monday and at least see how that goes. I really could use some wisdom and guidance so if anyone wants to say a few prayers for me I would defintely be grateful. Thanks a bunch!

1 comment:

Marina said...

I miss you too!

hope today goes well!