Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How much does a Polar Bear Weigh?

So despite my best effort the one a week blog didn't go off so well. I do have a good excuse though, I don't have internet. However I don't live in Ok anymore woot! I am back in California and today is a good day because I'm also not homeless anymore. Man the streets of Riverside are some tough places. I will have to tell you all about it later and put up pictures of Rachie and I roughing it while we were homeless. For now though I am still jobless, so if your reading this please pray for me. There is one particular position I want with Relief International but I would accept anything at this point! Okay back to job-hunting. Peace out!

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Land of Jen

In a land where signs read "Walmart, next exit"...
Where everytown has a school of horseshoes...
Where people say buggy, mash, yonder and y'll...
Where humidity soars and people sit inside all day...
There you will find me. For now anyway.

I'm hoping to get myself back out to Cali for a job though. First I was excited because I had an interview with the Boy's and Girls Club in Fountain Valley. The lady who was suppossed to call me at a scheduled time did not. After an hour or so I called but they said she stepped out of her office and they would have her call me when she got in. She never called. The next day I called again, she agian said she would get back to me. The next day she did get back to me but not for an interview instead to let me know that the position had been filled. Thats Rude. Anyway CBU is hiring in Student Accts hopefully I can get that. I feel bad for Rach trying to find an apt for both of us but not being sure if I'm coming. Seriously though I need to find something to do with myself. I need purpose.

On the upside I have been watching two amazing DVD's this week. (My family bought a TV the day we moved into our house, even though we don't have our dish hooked up yet. My dad didn't want to by a DVD player though, I finally coerced him into it because my 2 DVD's are the only thing we can watch since we don't have a dish, HA!) Anyway I have been watching Amazing Race 7 (The one with Rob and Amber and Uchenna and Joyce, where they go to Istanbul), I like it, I just have to watch the season finale, which I have seen but I don't remember to well (except for who wins.) Also I seriously miss Istanbul a lot. The second DVD is my camp DVD which I also seriously miss a lot. Aww I really do miss it so much, this summer rocked my world.

Also I lost my car keys this week and had to live without my car for days. After giving up all hope my dad went to great lengths to get me another key. FYI you can go to your car dealer when you lose your key's and get replacements made for like $3, mine was $2.75, so I got three, hopefully I don't lose them all, haha.

Mmmk...So thats my week in a nutshell. Hopefully I'll be back in Cali soon, with a wicked awesome job.

PS Nik and Rachel I found where to swim to Texas, I didn't do it but I went there yesterday.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Golly Gosh

I'm so irritated lately. I am first of all sick of living out of a suitcase. I mean so stinkin mad about it. And all my clothes are dirty right now, I said that and them my mom said thats a good idea let me go put some of my laundry in the wash! I was so mad! Everything in this room is a mess right now because I have been throwing clothes everywhere trying to find something. But it was a mess before anyway because we have 5 people living in this tiny apartment. I have to get out soon, my parents are on my nerves something bad. All they do is fight and bicker. If not to each other about other people. And always to me, but only do they unload to me they then have to ask "Don't you think?" I'm not gonna answer that! Gosh! So since I am so sick of hearing everyone else complain I thought that you all should have to read my complaining lol. Oh well I better go I'm still trying to get crap together so I can go house hunting with my parents. I really don't care about going house hunting but I am so sick of doing nothing all day...This slow laid back life style defintely does not work for me. Yawwnnnnnn....

In other good news I discovered that OKC has a Jack FM radio station, which is one of my favorites in Cali, so I'm stoked about that. I think thats the only upside I can think of for the time being. Maybe there will be more next week after I go up to the city and go job hunting.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I don't eat Ketchup....I eat Ice Cream

I know...I know.... Long time no write. All of you in blogland probably gave up on me. Sorry. But I have been fairly busy lately. So new things since I've last written:

*I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies
*I discovered that my B.A of ICS means absolutly nothing
*I went to work at The Oaks, and had a super awesome time getting to know and minister to 5 weeks of kids.
*I moved to Oklahoma; arrived just yesterday, we will see how that fares for me

I'm sure I could give more details but for the sake of my tired mind I will spare you all. I am going to be more faithful especially now that I am seperated from many of my friends. I will try and give an update at least once a week. Okay I am going to peace out and go eat some dinner so I can go get some Brahm's (a way yummy Ice Cream place out here.)

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Tonight I threw a party...
okay so maybe I didn't actually throw a party but there was a party at my apartment...
alright well the party wasn't actual at my house, but it was in front of it...
Yep thats actually true.

This party I speak of began at around 11pm or so and gradually grew bigger and louder as it went on. I love parties late at night, they really help with my narcalepsy and all. And the other cool part is I'm just a rebel and I love to shun responisbility. This is perfect because first quiet hours begin at 10 but thats okay scream all night if you want to. Second the little shindig had an RA involved in fact it was partially in the RA's apartment, yeah bring the man down with us! Now its about 1:15 and the people just went home, all 100 or so of them. Gosh Golly Gee, what shall I do now? hmmm, I'm guessing I will sleep like most grown ups do at night...But I'll remember this learning experience for the real world. 1) Disturbing the peace is just a formal rule but doesn't really mean anything. 2) Consideration is not a word to be remembered by Christian Leaders. and 3) It is perfectly okay to throw parties on your neighbors lawns while they are sleeping, or trying to. Wow College is so great, how will I ever cope with out it? Maybe I will just write my BFF each day and ask him for advise on these matters :)

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I decided today that growing up sometimes isn't very much fun. The cheif source of this lack of fun? Money. Oh course. Today I had to go get a tire replace, which pretty much sucked, but I found $5 when I was cleaning out my room, haha. I wish thats all I needed.

So I'm at home this weekend packing up my house. It's weird, and sad, yet kind of exciting. I'm VERY sad to leave this chapter of my life, but if all goes as planned (which it rarely does), my next chapter should be really great also.

Two more weeks, then Spring Break! YAY! Then two more weeks of of school, before graduation! YAY! and then off to "South Asia"! YAY! Then off to Oklahoma to move the family! Awww :( Then off to camp. YAY! Then off to somewhere (mixed feelings) haha. Hopefully somewhere equals Colorodo Springs to work with Compassion. Wow I'm an Adult, EW!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Weekend in Ispland

WOW!!! What an amazingly long weekend. I seriously feel like it was one of the hardest of my life, yet I also feel like it was one of the best. God was faithful in my weakness to be my strength, and through my trials to teach me and bless me. I honestly feel like I will never be the same. I know sometimes, ok most the time, I'm really dramatic and overexaggerate, but I'm for real when I say that I feel like I had really left the country this weekend and I learned so much. Quick run down of the highlights, because I know it might not be as meaningful to all of you as it was to me, I will be quick. Saturday highlight- Playing Bafu Bafu. This is a game where there are two teams, each are taught a new culture and then get an oppurtunity to visit a new culture. Lesson: We are so easily attached to our culture and are very quick to label anything uncomfortable as wrong. What a lesson to learn, especially as an intercultural studies major. Something to pray about for sure. Please pray for me guys as I prepare to go to "South Asia" I want to love the culture and the people. Sunday highlight: Muslim day. This could also be labeled as the worst day of my life. But I learned a lot, a lot I needed to learn. Basically the premise of the day was everyone became Muslim (except we did not worship Allah, but we did worship Christ accourding to Muslim culture). We all woke up to the call to prayer, as a woman I was forced to wear a heavy black veil all day, and be treated pretty much like dirt. I don't think anyone could understand what life is really like for Muslim women around the world without a simiulation like this and even now I have just seen the tip of the iceberg. I gained an appreciation for Muslim dedication, respect for the submissive nature of Muslim women and a deep hurt for Muslim women who suffer this everyday, who cannot at the end of the day take off the veil and be reminded that they are valuable because Christ made them. It made me want to go find a Muslim woman and just scream about how much she is loved and how much she is worth. But it also allowed me to see the cost involved in being a woman in a Muslim culture even an American like me would face some (not nearly as many as Muslim women though) of these trial if I were to move to a country like this. Since my heart is for Muslim women it has invoked a great sense of prayer in me for the women to know their worth and for me to be so content in Christ that I can go with no worries. And it made me thankful for the men in America (well the Christian ones at least) and called me to pray that God would raise up more Godly men to go to the Muslims and show them how to love too. Other huge plus bonding with my team, I love them a lot, and I'm super excited. I'm also super tired still, haha.